Business Ideas for Young Adults


Business ideas for young adults are varied. But some of you are probably getting confused about how to start one or what kind of a business you should run. For the beginning, you can start with something that you love. For example, you can run cookies business if you love to bake cookies. Do you need more business ideas? Keep reading!

Business Ideas for Young Adults

Online Shops

It can be said that e-commerce is still a hype in this digital era. For you who want to have your own business at your young ages, do not miss this chance. You can sell stuff such as phone cases, hats, scarves, shoes, or anything online. You can create a social media account to market your products or you can also sell them on online shop platforms. Such as Amazon, eBay, Shopee, and many more. Besides those products, you can also sell your handmade products. For example, food and beverages. Make sure you maximally use the available features in the social media or online shop platforms so that you can develop your online business.


If this is your first time starting a business and you do not have enough experiences, there is nothing wrong to be a reseller first before you have your own shop. Though the products you sell are other people’s products, you will be able to get knowledge such as marketing strategies. For example, if you become a reseller of makeup products from a specific brand, you will able to know what makeup products which are being a hype among beauty enthusiasts.

Culinary Business

Starting from your passion is the safest way to start a business. For you who love to cook or bake cookies as your hobby, why do not you make it to the next level by turning it to business? Do not think about the big scale culinary food, especially if you do not have enough fund yet. Start from a small scale, look around you. For the beginning, you are able to give your workmates or college friends a taste to your cookies. If they love your cookies, it is possible that they will order some to you as their snacks at work.


If you are living in an area where there are many boarding houses, you can try to start a laundry business. However, running a laundry business is not only washing, drying, and ironing other people’s apparels. This business also needs an accuracy so that you will not ever give clothes to wrong persons. A laundry business is suitable to be run in boarding houses areas because they will be many workers or college students who do not have times to wash their laundry on their own.


If you are a creative person who loves to make unique and attractive handicrafts, you can make it as a business. Because the products are your handmade handicrafts, it will surely have its own uniqueness which is different from other handicraft products. Are you interested to try this one of business ideas for young adults?